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ARKHAN THE BLACK...and Mannfred...possibly Neferata

ARKHAN THE BLACK...and Mannfred...possibly Neferata

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Big ideas for the nearly dismissed kit.

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Long back story….skip to the next entry for Liche King action.

I am le Groggiest of Grognards when it comes to Warhammer Fantasy Lore. As far as I’m concerned the Old World is where it stopped. However! GW continues to stomp out the odd lovely set of miniatures here and there. The recent Vampire counts models(No!!!! I am not going to refer to them by their stupid new copyrightable name…) are a fine example of the potential they still have rattling around.
This inspired me to start a WHFB Vampire Counts Army and to start off i managed to grab the Skeleton Horde kit before they killed the old box of skellybobs.

Just a few thoughts on the new skeleton kit…The style is absolutely mint!….but why are they all mono-posed in some sort of J-pop band stance….why are some of them letting the phalanx down and holding their shields in the wrong hand…..and why is the f****ng wind blowing in different directions.

Anyway… I’ve always disliked the flying cat/goat/dog abyssal thing that came in the box. Not that it doesn’t look cool, but it looks a bit weird floating as if the utterly lethal creature is completely bemused by suddenly floating in zero gravity. It looks a bit like a poodle that’s just woken up on a space station paddling gormlessly through the air.

Big ideas for the nearly dismissed kit.

I digress.

To my horror, I missed my opportunity to pick up any of the Von Carstein models before they dropped off the website. This made me toy with the idea of building the Manfred version of the model, but it still felt stupid mounting him on the space poodle.. Stay tuned…. I’ve got idea’s for him too.

At this stage, I was fairly sure the big beastie was going to sit its box forevermore, but then I started playing the TOMB KINGS on Warhammer TotalWar….as ARKHAN THE BLACK. I realised that although i didn’t need the model for my army, i’d quite like to paint Arkhan…

RIGHT!!! I’m going to convert the model to put it on the ground in the Nehekharan desert!!! That will make a nice little project in between the Vampire Count units.


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