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Collins Doesn't do Savage Frontier

Collins Doesn't do Savage Frontier

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Resin Pouring the River

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 11
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Resin Pouring the River

Using CFS Water Clear 2 part Epoxy resin and a tiny bit of peat brown ink from Windsor and newton I added some much needed depth the river.

First I dammed the ends by using some plasticard and superglue. I intended this to be a temporary bond but clearly I should have used a different glue. that sucker is stuck hard to it now! Nothing a knife and some brown paint won’t fix later though.

Important to mention that I made sure the table was perfectly flat using a spirit level before working on this. the last time I did resin pouring (see Star Wars project) I didn’t and it was a tad lopsided.

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