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Irish SAGA

Irish SAGA

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Big axe fun. Footsore purchase.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Big axe fun. Footsore purchase.
Big axe fun. Footsore purchase.

Never say never. This project started out as an experiment into whether the Wargames Atlantic box could get you a serviceable Irish Saga force and has become the story of my Irish force as it expands a little. I wanted to make a Footsore purchase to get a cool Black Douglas not-Salute miniature that I wanted. These seemed like a good option and feel that I need some more elite models in my warrior and levy heavy force.

Lloyd shotLloyd shot

Primed with Army Painter Leather Brown then used Steel Legion Drab on the tunic. I used Mornfang Brown as a base for the plaid trews and Vallejo Brown Violet green for the cloak. Heavily washed the cloak with Athonian Camoshade. Used Rhinox Hide for the hair and mustache.

Quite a bland start to these 4 minis, but that was kind of intended.

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