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The Adventures of Berred, Ranger of Shadow Deep

The Adventures of Berred, Ranger of Shadow Deep

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Scenario 3: Tor Varden, The Upper Level

Tutoring 8
Skill 10
Idea 11
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Your party is battered and bruised, but the fight is not over. Whatever now rules in this tower is likely on the upper level. While it is tempting to leave now with the gains you have made, it would then be left to some other group to come and finish the job, and who knows what evil might be done here in the meantime. Readying your weapons, you advance up the stairs.

Trysten the Arcanist was last on the ladder while the other three, one by one, went ahead. No sooner as Berred opened the trapdoor an arrow flew past. This was going to be difficult. He and the others were tired and sore from their battle through the lower rooms of the tower. He noticed a huge pile of wood in the centre of the roof, a loud groan and a rattle of chains, was that a man strapped down to the woodpile? He let loose an arrow at a distant gnoll then ran for cover towards the woodpile. Once he got there he looked back, as Trotter let loose an arrow of his own at the same gnoll, then ran to join him with Halleck close behind.  Trotter let out a yell as he took an arrow to the knee. They couldn’t remain here for too long. Trysten the Arcanist was last on the ladder while the other three, one by one, went ahead. No sooner as Berred opened the trapdoor an arrow flew past. This was going to be difficult. He and the others were tired and sore from their battle through the lower rooms of the tower. He noticed a huge pile of wood in the centre of the roof, a loud groan and a rattle of chains, was that a man strapped down to the woodpile? He let loose an arrow at a distant gnoll then ran for cover towards the woodpile. Once he got there he looked back, as Trotter let loose an arrow of his own at the same gnoll, then ran to join him with Halleck close behind. Trotter let out a yell as he took an arrow to the knee. They couldn’t remain here for too long.
As Trysten joined them, something evil approached. At first Berred thought it was a shadow being cast by something then he realised it was a blackened burnt suit of armour, the fleshless face gazing in their direction.  He let off an arrow directly at it focusing on a join in the armour plates. The thing hissed as his arrow struck home. Another arrow also struck, from the bow of Trotter (the tracker), right through its head. The thing reeled back but it kept coming. From the way it hissed the knight was almost dead. It was at this point that a ghostly green coloured flame flared up in the distance in the direction of the neighbouring tower of Tor Dargos. Halleck groaned and crouched even lower while Trotter (the tracker) took out his pipe and gasped. Some evil was at work. As Trysten joined them, something evil approached. At first Berred thought it was a shadow being cast by something then he realised it was a blackened burnt suit of armour, the fleshless face gazing in their direction. He let off an arrow directly at it focusing on a join in the armour plates. The thing hissed as his arrow struck home. Another arrow also struck, from the bow of Trotter (the tracker), right through its head. The thing reeled back but it kept coming. From the way it hissed the knight was almost dead. It was at this point that a ghostly green coloured flame flared up in the distance in the direction of the neighbouring tower of Tor Dargos. Halleck groaned and crouched even lower while Trotter (the tracker) took out his pipe and gasped. Some evil was at work.
An arrow suddenly flew and Berred went down dazed. More arrows started flying and death himself approached.An arrow suddenly flew and Berred went down dazed. More arrows started flying and death himself approached.
One by one arrows found their mark and heroes went down. Trysten remained standing as the shadow knight approached. With a word he collapsed onto the ground. He couldn’t move. This was it, the end our heroes had failed.One by one arrows found their mark and heroes went down. Trysten remained standing as the shadow knight approached. With a word he collapsed onto the ground. He couldn’t move. This was it, the end our heroes had failed.

The shadow knight looked down at these so-called heroes ready to end them. It paused as if in thought then suddenly turning it walked calmly away toward the man in chains on the wood pile. In the distance another fire lit, again with a green ghostly flame. With one smooth action the chained man died, his blood soaking the wood. Then with a hissed word the entire wood pile burst into flame, the same green as the others.

A voice as cold as death washed over the heroes 

“You have failed. Go and return to your doomed homes. Spread the word that death is coming and there is no hope. Live in fear and know that we control the border of your land.”


The heroes survived but failed and were indeed left without hope.

For now.

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