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Reign in Hell - A tale of dice and demons

Reign in Hell - A tale of dice and demons

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Tentacle demon home-brewed

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 7
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Tentacle demon home-brewed

Tentacle demon home-brewed from green stuff, bits from the bits box and failed sprue stretching pieces.

When stretching sprue over a candle (to make aerials, whips and details etc) you sometimes pull when it’s not hot enough or over stretch it and it snaps. When it snaps sometimes the ends curl up. I had a couple of failed attempts and the curled ends looked like tentacles to me, so the idea lead into this mini.

The head and cut up shield “armour” are from NorthStar Frostgrave Demons box. The hands are from a Warlord Games ECW Pikeman with an unknown make of spikey mace head added.

I used Bugman’s Glow to suggest the texture on the softer underside of a tentacle, over the black and red zenith primer I used for the rest of this cabal.

Tentacle demon home-brewed
Tentacle demon home-brewed

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