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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Sunday Live Stream: History's Second Largest Tank Battle

Tutoring 10
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It’s late June, 1941 … and Germany has launched the largest single offensive in the history of man into the western borderlands of the Soviet Union.  As von Kleist’s “Panzergruppe I” makes its opening drive through the northern Ukraine, they run into a determined line of resistance near the town of Dubno.  The delay gives the Soviet 5th and 6th Armies enough time to mass five additional tank corps that strike von Kleist’s multi-division spearhead from almost every side.  Although these attacks were badly coordinated, the combined four-day battle would constitute history’s largest tank engagement until Kursk in 1943.

This is one of the first battles where we see new-generation Soviet tanks T-34s and KV-1s on the field.  Has the German panzerwaffe finally m et its match?

Join Chip and I as we tackle a scenario of Avalon Hill’s classic PanzerBlitz system, specifically designed to portray command-tactical mechanized combat on the Eastern Front of World War II.

Sunday June 27 – 7PM UK, 2PM East US

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Sitrep YouTube 

The PanzerBlitz Situation Card from when I ran Barbarossa through PanzerBlitz about 10 years ago.  Tomorrow's game won't be this big (keeping it light, fast, and stream-friendly) - but this gives the general idea. The PanzerBlitz Situation Card from when I ran Barbarossa through PanzerBlitz about 10 years ago. Tomorrow's game won't be this big (keeping it light, fast, and stream-friendly) - but this gives the general idea.

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