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Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

Oriskany's US 28mm Reinforcements

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Prep Complete - Today's Live Community Game!

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10

So I’ve been working on and off for about 12 hours here (okay, two hours off for two episodes of The Expanse, an hour for cardio, and an hour for shower / dinner) … and everything is set for today’s game of Battle Carry Sabot.

  • Map complete (3600 meters of Beqqa Valley, eastern Lebanon, June 1982)
  • New graphics for Merkava Mark I MBTs
  • New graphics for “Magach-6” MBTs (M60A1s upgraded with “Blazer” ERA)
  • New camouflage for Syrian T-72M1s and BMP-1 APBs
  • Research on specific units involved in this engagement (June 10)
  • Statistics for the new units in the Battle Carry Sabot system

We’re just about ready.  After some sleep I’ll put in some victory conditions and we’ll be all set for the stream.

Hope to see some of you there!

Sunday June 20 – 7PM UK, 2PM East US

Sitrep Twitch

Sitrep YouTube 

Here's the map.  This system is designed as a miniature game (even if we are playing virtually here).  Each grid is an inch - 6 feet by almost 4 feet.  Each inch is 50 meters (making the game about 1:2000 in scale)Here's the map. This system is designed as a miniature game (even if we are playing virtually here). Each grid is an inch - 6 feet by almost 4 feet. Each inch is 50 meters (making the game about 1:2000 in scale)
Pieces for the Merkava Mark Is.  These were the ones used in Lebanon 1982.  The dot in the center of the piece shows the Pieces for the Merkava Mark Is. These were the ones used in Lebanon 1982. The dot in the center of the piece shows the "true size" and precise position of the piece (each inch is 50 meters, so these pieces cannot be to scale with the map). The "halo crosses" are for terrain rules and to precisely measure what arc of the tank is actually hit by incoming fire (no more arguments over flank fire).
Here are the pieces for the Here are the pieces for the "Magach" 6Bs also heavily used in Lebanon 1982. These were old M60A1s left over from the Yom Kippur War, outfitted with the "blazer" explosive reactive armor panels.
Soviet export T-72M1s, the same we used in our 73 Easting and Medina RIdge Gulf War battles, but here they've been Soviet export T-72M1s, the same we used in our 73 Easting and Medina RIdge Gulf War battles, but here they've been "repainted" in Syrian camouflage. Numbers beneath each piece show individual command and gunnery skills, and ammunition loads (for sabot, AP, and AT-3 "Sagger" ATGW shots)
BMP-1 APCs, again BMP-1 APCs, again "repainted" Syrian army camouflage.
Here are the new statistics for the new vehicles.  The T-72M1 and BMP-1 are honestly the same  as we saw in the Here are the new statistics for the new vehicles. The T-72M1 and BMP-1 are honestly the same as we saw in the "Medina Ridge" and "73 Easting" Gulf War battles. But the Merkava 1 and Magach 6 are new. Note these are the earl Mark 1 Merkavas, with the very slow movement rate (damn, these things were slow) and the old 105mm rifle. Yes, the Magach GENERALLY has the same British L7 105mm rifle, but notice the Merkava's Sabot stats are slightly better because of better optics, sights, ammunition, and upgrade to the gun system and mounting. Of course the T-72s are not as good, a disparity made worse by the better crew stats in the counter screen pics above. Of course ... the Israelis are also outnumbered over two to one ... and are allowed to take FAR LESS losses in the upcoming victory conditions.
Victory conditions and scenario rules are set up.  We're ready!Victory conditions and scenario rules are set up. We're ready!

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zorgoriskany Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

great work on all your models an battle reports over the years the extra details and things way improve the battles keep the fabulous work up @oriskany.

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