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Operation Meerkat Allotment

Operation Meerkat Allotment

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Second squad - research

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 5
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The second squad is a little different to the first in that they are armed with Sturmgewehr 44 (StG44) rather than Karabiner 98K (K98k) and Gewehr 43 (G43) rifles.  While the K98k is a bolt action rifle and the Gewehr a semi-automatic, the StG44 is an assault rifle.  The way to distinguish the rifles are the short magazines in the G43 rifles while the K98k rifles have none.  There is also significantly less metal at the front end of the G43s.

The trusty Haynes Manual includes colour photographs of equipment and uniforms, providing a helpful resource for painting.The trusty Haynes Manual includes colour photographs of equipment and uniforms, providing a helpful resource for painting.

Consulting the manual, the gun is almost completely metallic black with the exception of the stock which is matt black.

The squad also has some camo nets on their helmets rather than the mix of plain helmets and camo covers of the first squad.  The manual shows these are typically the same dark green helmets with grey nets over them.

With the colours sorted and the models undercoated, it’s time to get painting!

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