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Spring Clean Challenge: If I build it - will they come

Spring Clean Challenge: If I build it - will they come

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The final board

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

So, the board was completed by covering the raw surface with the Skulptamould mix and adding rocks and water effects.  The entire “grass” area was painted with a household emulsion pain in green, and this was then flocked with my home-make flock in various shades of green and brown.

The cliffs were painted in watered down sepia and ochre paints, and then a final wash of black.

The water effect was done after all the other stages has been completed.

The table surface was them allowed to dry and a final PvA / water mix (approx 1:9) was sprayed over the entire board to seal in the flock.  I did not add trees etc. as I intent to use the board for different scales so did not want to push the look too far in one direction.

There follows a few pictures of the bard using different skirmish/small battle games. Ronin; Bolt Action Saga, and LaSalle

The final picture shows some SYW 10mm figures as yet unpainted. But now I have a board, there’s no excuse not to paint them up.

Thanks for watching this small project. And good luck to everyone

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Cult of Games Member

a fabulous terrain project @applemak

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