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Operation Meerkat Allotment

Operation Meerkat Allotment

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First squad - suggestions

Tutoring 7
Skill 5
Idea 7
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There are a few obvious areas for improvement.

  • The camouflage pattern needs to be bigger.  I was trying to avoid it being a chunky pattern but it needs more practise.
  • The flesh could perhaps do with another lighter highlight.  The same goes for the main uniforms and the regular helmets.
  • The black paint is past its best and wasn’t flowing quite right.  I may try a very dark grey next time.
  • The EVA used to glue the scatter was not as sticky as hoped and left a few patches, despite a thorough covering.

Any constructive feedback for further improvements or alternative techniques are welcome!


Meanwhile a helpful paint summary to serve as a reminder for later units

  • Undercoat – 50/50 Vallejo Surface Primer Grey and Black
  • Uniform – VMC German Fieldgrey WWII 70.830
  • Camo and bread bags – VMC German Camo Beige WWII 70.821
  • Boots – VMC Leather Brown 70.871
  • Straps, belts and metal – 90/10 VMC Black 70.950 and VMC Neutral Grey 70.992
  • Helmets and grenades – VMC German Camo Dark Green 70.979
  • Flesh – Panzer Aces Flesh Base 341
  • Rifles – VMC Mahogany 70.846
  • Metal highlights –  VMC Gunmetal 70.863
  • Bases – Citadel Foundation Calthan Brown
  • Washes – Citadel Agrax Earthshade, Flesh Wash, Red Wash

Next up is another German unit.

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