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Reign in Hell - A tale of dice and demons

Reign in Hell - A tale of dice and demons

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Myroar - My Succubus WiP

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 9
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Myroar - My Succubus WiP

WiP Succubus for Reign In Hell. She doesn’t need to be so seductive in Hell, so she looks more devilish. The only reason she is still WiP is because she is awaiting her wings. Then the pose on the base makes more sense I hope.

I liked the freehand on the shoulders. The “Earthbound” RiH symbol is a skull with an inverted Latin cross on its forehead. Rather than attempt this fully I made it a touch more abstract. The two dots left and right at the bottom of the cross and the triangle beneath are hints at the symbol’s eyes and nose of the skull.

The whip is a heated and bent piece of sprue. I know it looks slightly unnatural, but I can believe it is on a forward swing from over her left shoulder.

I am going to get the Frostgrave Demons wings from NorthStar as I couldn’t think of an easy way to do them myself and I think I would benefit from some when I get around to playing The Red King Expansion.

The head and arms are from a NorthStar Frostgrave Soldiers 2 female sprue. The arms have had the fur trim cut away. The body is from the NorthStar Frostgrave Demons box. The knife is cut from a right hand knife hand on the Soldiers 2 sprue.

The metal armour is Leadbelcher, Agrax Earthshade wash and Runestone Silver drybrush. The skin is Flesh-tearer Contrast Red over the Halfords red primer and highlighted with a Mephiston Red and Flesh-tearer Contrast mix.

Myroar - My Succubus WiP

Myroar seemed like corruption enough of Myra, continuing the evil persons in history theme. Myra Hindley being convicted for her crimes against kids in the 60’s seems to fit the bill.

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