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Infamy Infamy off we go

Infamy Infamy off we go

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So when do you consider a project completed?

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The age old question and I have still things to paint from projects I started years ago (for example my Very British Civil War started almost 10 years ago and still have stuff to finish) but once you have “broken the back” and got the figures on the table will do for a start.

With the easing of lockdown in the UK it gave me a chance to give the completed Infamy stuff a “run out” this week with 3 mates. Myself and Nige playing the Romans and Paul and “Broken Dice” David taking the Britons.

The random set up in the rules was used and had the Romans commanded by their Centurion Septicus Maximus assisted by his second in command Aggro Phobius and Optio Triceaus Richardus leading a raiding force into the wilds to try and capture some livestock for supplies.

The local Britons under their Warlord Gettafix assisted by his daughter Pelgwasgu (according to Google Pel means ball and I will let you guess the rest) are ready to object to this and send them packing.

Sleepy village soon to be disturbed Sleepy village soon to be disturbed

Roman legionnaires supported by Auxilia  approach the village

Romans out for a strollRomans out for a stroll

While on the other flank Roman cavalry are faced off by Britons and they are soon throwing abuse and javelins at each other.

The main Roman force march onto the field to try and move towards the village and the cattle but are soon faced off by Gettafix and his noble warriors in their chariots.

Suddenly from the village the locals appear and the shout of “there thousands of them” (in Latin of course) is heard from the Roman ranks. But not to be discouraged the Legionaries advance, hurl Pilum and close ranks waiting to the Britons to impact. The initial fighting is inconclusive as the Romans using their defensive tactics avoid the worse of the damage to Britons inflict. But and there is always a but, I forgot I have given them a group of Fanatical Warriors who launch themselves into the flank of the legionnaires and proceed to “pacman” their way through both units.

Now carried away with their success the Fanatical warriors decide to head off and launch themselves at the Auxilia that were behind the legion but things didn’t go well for them and they were soon routed. However the rest of the Britons seem to have expected this and shrugged off the loss while the Romans force morale was falling like a stone.

So when do you consider a project completed?

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