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STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!

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KV-2 (As requested by Shay from OTT).

Tutoring 30
Skill 31
Idea 29
KV-2 (As requested by Shay from OTT).

This ‘Assault Gun’ is a real beast, the turret and gun dwarfs anything else in this stage of the War.

Facing a KV-2  on the table, the German’s will have a serious threat on the table. It is has the ‘slow’ and the ‘Slow Traverse’ special rules, but, it has heavy armour and an extremely powerful heavy howitzer. Armour and experience infantry both have to fear this enemy. I have only ever used it once and it deleted whole enemy units of infantry when it fired. With such heavy armour, most of the German anti tank guns and armour mounted weapons are going to be ineffective, unless the can get round it, and shoot it in the arse at point close range.

The Warlord kit is great, and allows you to assemble a KV-1  turret as well. I am working on two more of these behemoths so that I can field an entire troop.

In terms of presentation, I under coated the model with Halford’s Matt Black Primer. The base colour is Vallejo Surface Primer Russian Green 70.609, then highlights dry brushed with 50/50 Vallejo Khaki/Russian Green 70.609. The whole model the washed with Forge World ‘Dry Mud’ weathering powder in a wash, which is then partially dry sponged off. Scratches an chips added to add realistic ware a tear.

I finished this model over a year ago, and am trying to replicate the look and effects exactly on the other two previously unassembled examples. I won’t know foe sure that I have it right until the weathering powder wash is applied, dried and partially sponged off.

KV1/2 Plastic Box Set

Complete with KV-1 Turret Option.Complete with KV-1 Turret Option.

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome job

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