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Blipvertus multigame Dwarf army

Blipvertus multigame Dwarf army

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Cloaks and 2nd coats

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I decided on GWs Kantor Blue for the king’s cloak with the inner side painted Army Painter Skeleton Bone. I then did a second thin coat of Army Painter Wolf Grey on the tunics and  Army Desert Yellow on the pants.

The cloak used Kantor Blue and Skeleton Bone. The rest are touch ups or second coats. The cloak used Kantor Blue and Skeleton Bone. The rest are touch ups or second coats.

In working on the king, he has a slightly downward cast to his eyes, almost as if he’s hunched over. So I think I’ll cut off the metal puddle and then pin him on top of some cork to make it look like he’s on top of a rock looking down.

Rough approximation of final positions. Rough approximation of final positions.
Obligatory Lloyd shot. Obligatory Lloyd shot.

Horatio has a leather strap for a shield. I’ll paint it up separately and glue it on later.

Why is he called Horatio? Because he’s a hornblower. Why is he called Horatio? Because he’s a hornblower.

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