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Spring Cleaning Military Orders

Spring Cleaning Military Orders

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Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8

Got over the funk of the project.  I still don’t really know what was causing it. Probably my new rule of not avoiding freehand and painting white again. On a good note, I did buy some new paints and the white that came is so much better than my trusty Vallejo 951.


I this section I painted Infirmarers of Saint Lazarus this model, this was an ok model but I hate the pose. The sculpt doesn’t understand how wind works.  The cape and the flag are pointing in two different directions. I changed this a little. Also I didn’t like the face on this I painted it three times. making it lighter each time. Always ends up looking butch and now it think it’s got little shape.

I also painted the Black Friers with Heavy rocket launcher. This was a lot better though I did end up with gaps that needed to be filled.



Infirmarers of Saint LazarusInfirmarers of Saint Lazarus
Black Friers with Heavy rocket launcherBlack Friers with Heavy rocket launcher

Again going good but trying to get to the finish line. I was pleased with being able to walk away from these two but they seemed more like a rebound relationship than one I put my hear into.

Free handing shoulder pad logo’s will not be happening again and only done on this project.

It doesn’t take a lot of time it’s more enjoyable and easier then painting straight lines but still seems to put a barrier up for me.

More to come very shortly.

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Cult of Games Member

Maybe the Infirmarer is sculpted as standing in drafty, gothic room? The circulation must be more complicated there…

Oh, and what kind of white did you buy, if I may ask?

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