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War of the Roses force

War of the Roses force

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Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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So I started out with Black ACE primer. It’s about $4.00 a can. And it covers nicely. Then I zenith shade them with Wraithbone. I love that Color. I’m doing a Yorkist army so I went with the Blue and White. I used the Vallejo blue triad paint set. Whit was Contrast White. Then I used contrast paints for all the browns. For any metal I use Contrast Black Templar Black and dry brush that. It’s a great technique for me with different models. After that they get a bath in Army Painter Strong Tone. Next I’ll base and flock with some static grass and grass tufts. Maybe some flowers also. It is “the war of the Roses!” Anyways. LOL… more pictures to come. Keep painting my friends.

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