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Creating my Primaris Space Wolves Chapter

Creating my Primaris Space Wolves Chapter

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Custom Thunderwolf Cavalry

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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It feels like forever since I last looked at my Red Wolf chapter, I’ve been so sucked into Star Wars Legion as of late. But I was completely inspired by a guy on Instagram who does loads of green stuff conversions, he played around with some thunderwolves and they looked awesome.

I haven’t actually got any thunderwolf Cavalry as the marines looked a little strange riding on big wolves. Seeing this style instantly sold me on them as they looked more like berserkers which now makes sense in my head.

I’ve popped a few photos I took on the journey below but if you head to the bottom of this post I’ve also linked the building and painting Vlog

First off I partly built the 'Thunderwolf Cavalry' and built the 'Khorne Bloodbound Garrek’s Reavers'. They needed building as they were molded so it was easier to build then cut as you'll see belowFirst off I partly built the 'Thunderwolf Cavalry' and built the 'Khorne Bloodbound Garrek’s Reavers'. They needed building as they were molded so it was easier to build then cut as you'll see below
I cut the Reavers in half and removed some of the Chaos bits and replaced with some of the 40k parts, mainly the weapons. I used green stuff to connect the bodies and legsI cut the Reavers in half and removed some of the Chaos bits and replaced with some of the 40k parts, mainly the weapons. I used green stuff to connect the bodies and legs
I then added lots of the accessories around the area I'd connected them together, this hid the joins really nicely. I used all the bits from the thunderwolf sprue meaning I didn't need to get any additional parts.I then added lots of the accessories around the area I'd connected them together, this hid the joins really nicely. I used all the bits from the thunderwolf sprue meaning I didn't need to get any additional parts.
Here's a shot of the rear so you can see where I hid the joinHere's a shot of the rear so you can see where I hid the join
I tried to fill the chaos symbols on two of the torsos but it didn't look right. I therefore used greenstuff to create furs instead. Its a pretty simple process, I pushed the greenstuff into the areas I wanted to cover and then used an old hobby knife to essentailly keep making little holes, this eventually looks a little like fur. Not the most professional way of making fir but it works for me! I also used greenstuff to create straps accross the chest to hide a symbol.I tried to fill the chaos symbols on two of the torsos but it didn't look right. I therefore used greenstuff to create furs instead. Its a pretty simple process, I pushed the greenstuff into the areas I wanted to cover and then used an old hobby knife to essentailly keep making little holes, this eventually looks a little like fur. Not the most professional way of making fir but it works for me! I also used greenstuff to create straps accross the chest to hide a symbol.

It was then onto painting but I wont bore you with that again! I’ve covered my colours and the way I paint them plenty of times before. If you’re interested check out the other posts in this project. Alternatively watch the Vlog as I do cover it again on there.

Finished Models

Custom Thunderwolf Cavalry

Building and Painting Vlog

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Cult of Games Member

fabulous work @dane001 love all the personal additions to the figures an the videos are a great touch for all painters.

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