STALINGRAD Bolt Action Mega Battle!
Pavlov's House End Block Wrecked Staircase.
I think that this has to be my finest hour in scenery painting terms. It’s a great kit from 4Ground (, which I could nor resist further embellishing with bricks, rubble and painting.
I have used weathering powders added to water in dirtying up the rubble and rusting up the metal staircase banister, which I have then wiped with a dry sponge from a blister pack.
I have abandoned my previous method of adding dry pigments to brick work bases, because with high “gaming figure traffic” (I have just come up with that expression!) on scenery pieces, it would wipe of and leave traces of miniatures, and generally make a mess. I found that very lightly dry brushing the Vallejo ‘Red Leather’ bricks with Vallejo ‘White’ (I know, gosh the creative naming at Vallejo!) it has a permanent effect that I actually prefer!
I am really pleased with the outcome here, and l watch this space for more developments with the rest of Pavlov’s House!
Where is Pavlov’s dog though?