Stargrave Crews and Aliens
Captain Fang and her motley crew
After the war Captain Fang Zhang recruited an all female crew of pirates. These were all women who had been displaced by the war or who had served in military units. They’d become fed up with the men running things and in their belief screwing things up.
This is the crew so far, I still need to stat these out.
Captain Fang Zheng
Fang had previously served in various positions on salvage and general cargo ships reaching the status of Captain prior to the war. When the war broke she was conscripted against her will and had her ship confiscated. This made her quite angry, so towards the end of the war she became involved with a group of misfits who were planning a heist of a corporation pay ship, carrying money intended for serving troops. She used her cut to purchase a new ship and recruit a new crew. She is still wanted for this heist and many others.
Lt, Kerala Stride is a former Naval officer who became disillusioned with the war and the military. Fang found her drinking her life away on some forgotten planet. Fang offered her a place on the crew, where she soon rose to become the second in command providing more needed military strategy when planning heists.
Sleika Marse is a former military sniper who joined the crew because she’d become bored with civilian life and couldn’t adjust. She’s is an expert shot with most weapons.
Jezzika is a former justice officer, who went rogue and more of a crook than those she arrested. She joined the crew before she was arrested for her criminal activity.
Her highness (Ariadne) was a rich women before the war, but her fortune disappeared when the planet she lived on was invaded. She became a spy and infiltrator during the war, and has since used these skills in assisting in heists and other nefarious activities. She has a fondest for gold and sparkly stones.
The war bot- this was a left over from the war that the crew salvaged and repaired. It’s used for when something needs smashing down, breaking into or just creating havoc.
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