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Union Steps PART DEUX

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 9
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Then I thin out Gulliman Flesh, and liberally coat the faces and hands.

Union Steps PART DEUX

The Final stage before the overall wash is gun metal for the Rifled musket barrels and a little stage picking out the couple of water bottles in grey.

Union Steps PART DEUX

Now is time for an overall wash of thinned out about 50/50 with water of GW Agrax Earthade,

Union Steps PART DEUX

This takes a bit to dry  do I use this point to finish of bits on the Gun Crew and Commander.  I could have left them and done them as separate units to the Infantry  but have been doing them as I do each Regiment.

I have Tended to do Union Gun Barrels in Gun Metal and Confederate in Bronze.

Union Steps PART DEUX

Once the way has Dried  I adder a bit of brass to belts and muskets, paint the base GW Death World Forest( it was the only mud green I had) then add flock to base.

Then its only a matter of adding Colours  in this case for 63rd New York, part of the Irish Brigade.

Union Steps PART DEUX

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