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FIW in paper with StargruntII

FIW in paper with StargruntII

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Day 2 - british are done

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
Unit of line infantryUnit of line infantry
Unit of scotsUnit of scots
Leader on horseLeader on horse

So now I have 3 units of british infantry of 9 and a leader on horse. I will count all british infantry as regular at campaign start and see how they perform from there.

The idea is to pitch them against a larger irregular french force to see how the startgrunt rules concerning different unit qualities work out.

Anyway next up will be the french. I’ve already printed them out. So it would be awesome to be ready for a game on the weekend.

This means that I need to start thinking about my board layout. I will use a gridded setup as I dont like measuring ranges. One cell in the grid will take one unit. With the ability to split and merge units, thus having variable amounts of actual models per cell. With me doing skirmishes “massing” troops is not an issue, but I am thinking about making larger troop bodies easier to hit by using a downshift on the range die for everything over 10 guys in a cell.


This is the look I am striving for with my board, but achieving anything remotley similsr will be hard.This is the look I am striving for with my board, but achieving anything remotley similsr will be hard.

Anyways I will just paint away with water paints and start building hedges brushes and trees out of paper.

Building the board is actually making me really nervous, as I think it will in large parts make or break the look of the entire thing.

If done right this could become an awesome looking little gridded wargame of drawn soldiers in a waterpaint landscape ? how cool that would be.

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Bernhard Lutznightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

What a novel and original idea! I used to play Stargrunts back in the day, it will be nice to see it repurposed. Will you be making the rules available when they are polished and ready?

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