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How to be an Armoured Farmer, building Hobart's Funnies in Glorious 15mm (and maybe 28mm if they arrive in time!)

How to be an Armoured Farmer, building Hobart's Funnies in Glorious 15mm (and maybe 28mm if they arrive in time!)

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Churchill ARK Mk 2 conversion

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The rear ramps of the Mk 2 were done in the same way as the Mk 1 but instead of putting the wire into the hole in the vehicle, I decided to glue in a small piece of steel rod that I could rap the wire around. This was totally because I could get a tighter finish on the wires and it was far less of a faff!

The next thing I did was to build a post to mount the front ramp strops to. The post was made out of 1mm square styrene bar and then the brackets were made from 0.25mm by 1mm styrene rectangular bar. I noticed that the reference photos showed different ways the posts were mounted to the vehicles, so I chose to mount it to the front of the glacis plate. The mounting brackets appeared to be over the place where the tow bracket would be. you don’t need to profile the brackets but I wanted to make it look as authentic as possible.

Attaching and tensioning the ramp strops was done by wrapping them around the post first and then fixing to the ramp ends and pins in the same way as for the Mk 1. the only change was to ensure that equal tension was applied to prevent the post from being bent too far out of shape.

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