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On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

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Crane, Train and Automobiles?

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 11
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It’s a mild spring day here, perfect weather for spay painting. First up this Feris Games Dockside Crane. It’s not for beginners. It’s laser cut wood. Some pieces have 10mm uncut spacing. You will need to finish cutting out every piece. But if you use a new blade and take your time, there should be no problems.

After CA gluing the parts together into the main three sections. I primed all three with Black Chalkboard. After drying the legs got Army Painter Grey Primer and the cab and crane arm got NC-Acrylic Mt. Fuji.

Crane, Train and Automobiles?

After some time rummaging every corner of the studio looking for missing parts to finish the European Engine I found this unassuming box. Inside I found the parts I was looking for and more! Just goes to show that you should label everything.

Crane, Train and Automobiles?

While rummaging I found this!? When did I buy these?

I’ve heard this kit is a pain to build; probably got a deal on FleeBay. I will convert them into two Police cars and a Yellow Taxi.

Finally I sprayed the road part of the Waterfront boards with Black Chalkboard. I like the Matt finish it gives. After drying I gave it a couple of coats of Matte Finish to protect the paint.

A good Base layer day I think.


Crane, Train and Automobiles?
Crane, Train and Automobiles?

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