Hobby funk Beholder
The Eyes have it
I really couldn’t resist that pun!
Next was the large Central Eye.
I started with a scale 75 instant blue but quite watered down. I almost flicked it on really lightly with the brush. Then I added a bit of light brown, again watered down, towards the centre just flicked on lightly as before
The white of the eye I added a bit of really watered down red towards the edge and while still wet moved it around a bit to how I wanted it.
Towards the end of this painting session I started on the main body. Simply blending a blue instant paint into a green.
Lots more to do.yet but I’m making some decent progress.
Funky! Will he get some disco lights? Or one of these mirror balls? 😉
A Beholder painted up as a disco ball! Awesomeness!