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Necrothrall does Cursed City

Necrothrall does Cursed City

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Vyrkos Blood-born

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 6
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Vampires! Vampires standing on masonry. Vampires! Vampires standing on masonry.

I had a lot of fun painting these.  I don’t think I moved from my seat the entire time I was painting them.  They are actually a bit more purple in real life. To achieve my vampire skin tone is quite easy.  First base coat the flesh with Rakarth Flesh, then apply a wash of druchii violet. Once that’s dry then drybrush the skin with Rakarth flesh, then without washing your brush drybrush a very light layer of palid Wych flesh.

Now with these three done, that means I’ve only got two left to paint. Then it’s on to the basing.

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