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On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

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"Clang, clang, clang went the trolley"

Tutoring 14
Skill 14
Idea 13

To give myself a break from the dock I focused on this Sarissa Precision Trolley.

I like to spray paint the whole sprue rather then individual pieces. It gives me a base color or finished color depending.

The front and back of the 2mm mdf got a thin spray of Brown. And the 1mm card got a thin coat of white. I then masked the top end of each car side and sprayed a thin layer of yellow.

After giving everything an hour to dry I assembled the trolley cab, roof and wheel chassis. I then sprayed the roof grey and the wheels black.

The kit comes with two layers of side panels. After installing the first panel I decided to glaze all the windows. I used laminating sheet for the glass and thin white glue to adhere them. Then I attached the next layer with CA glue.

Whala job done, feet up!

Not really, still need to wash, add details, posters etc.


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Henri Leitezebraoutrider Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

That is stunning! ???

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