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On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

On The Waterfront: Spring Clean Challenge

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Lay'n Brick

Tutoring 15
Skill 15
Idea 14
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First finishing the boardwalk.

Using a wire brush I scuffed vertical line into the balsa to represent ring lines. I then pressed a pin down each groove to deepen it’s profile.

Next I cut them into single, two and three board groupings.  I’m trying to make it look as if they are individual boards.

Working from the center seem out, I brushed Mod Podge down and placed random pieces into place. I added a strip in the opposite direction to lock the board pieces into place and also give it contrasting lines.


Lay'n Brick

Now onto the brick.

A few years ago I bought laser printed O scale brick pattern on Ebay. To me this yard is the perfect opportunity to use it.

Starting with the strip closest to the boardwalk I simply brushed glue on the top side. Pressed the glued side onto the paper and trimmed the excess.

For the next row I glued the brick pattern in the opposite direction to break up the vertical lines of the track. It also compliments the boardwalk.

For the wide center strip I wanted to do something different to again brake up the lines. I cut and glued half inch strips to one side. Then 3″ wide strip on a 45 degree angle and another half inch vertical strip to even it out. It’s my favorite piece on the board so far.

Well that’s it for today. I have another track to come. Thanks for stopping by, cheers!

Lay'n Brick

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