Grasshoppers and Elephants
Making a start on the 20mm NVA
- These are the first if the NVA from brittania miniatures that i have stripped in dettol and repainted.
i tried out contrast paint to start but could not find a green that i liked so i went over them with russian uniform green and used us field drab for the packs and webbing.
i think its ment to be a darker green but found that it looked too dark and i could not make out the details so painted them lighter.
In reference pictures the uniforms are all different greens. Due to wear and tear.
according to an osprey book (armies if the vietnam war p21) they would be issued with multiple uniforms but after time in the field and especially after moving down the Ho Chi Minh trail they would be down to one complete uniform and in most cases a spare shirt or trousers.
Im trying to work out the organisation of an infantry platoon but am finding quite a few variations in various books and online. So my plan is to paint a load of infantry and sort that out later.
There is some cool info online about the NLF and PAVN formations being formed under the system of three.three cells to a squad, three squads to a platoon, 3 companies to a battalion etc.
so i guess my platoon would be three squads of three fire teams making a squad nine men and a platoon 27 men plus the command and support weapons but thats only a guess gonna have to do some more reserch in my Nam library.
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