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How to be an Armoured Farmer, building Hobart's Funnies in Glorious 15mm (and maybe 28mm if they arrive in time!)

How to be an Armoured Farmer, building Hobart's Funnies in Glorious 15mm (and maybe 28mm if they arrive in time!)

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Going to the N'th degree in fiddly fiddliest!!!

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The wading ducts, the easiest way to do it is to just clean them up and stick them on top of the engine air intakes.


If you are a nutter, and a closet rivet counter then you can add the retention wires, exhaust extensions, and exhaust bracing!

After cleaning up and prepping the ducts I drilled each with a 0.4mm drill to be able to later glue the retention wires to them. I also drilled the tank to receive the other ends. On the side ducts I looped the wire so that it mimicked the original ones and then tied and glued one leader wire off that loop.

For the exhaust extensions, I bent a trial one into a shape that was as close as I could get to the reference photos and then used it as a template to make all of the others. For the PSC tanks I found that a piece of 1mm dia wire of 28mm in length worked well to produce a good representation.

side ducts with wire loopsside ducts with wire loops
Rear duct with holes predrilledRear duct with holes predrilled

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