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672nd Fighter Wing, Red Dragon Squadron Imperial Navy - “The Red Baroness” (SPRING CLEAN CHALLENGE 2021 by Zebraoutrider)

672nd Fighter Wing, Red Dragon Squadron Imperial Navy - “The Red Baroness” (SPRING CLEAN CHALLENGE 2021 by Zebraoutrider)

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Voss Pattern Lightning - Transfers and Weathering

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Turning back to the Voss Pattern Lightning, I now had the home made transfers to apply and weathering using Nuln Oil, Reikland Fleshshade and Typhoid Technical washes along with the Vallejo powders.

Voss Pattern Lightning - Transfers and Weathering
Flt. Lt. Maxine Blau - The Blue MaxFlt. Lt. Maxine Blau - The Blue Max
Thunderbolt and Lightning - very, very exciting!Thunderbolt and Lightning - very, very exciting!

Time taken:

Transfers: 1 Hour

Weathering: 1 Hour

Next up – creating the flying bases…

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