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Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

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Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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Looking forward to these guys, lovely looking models but as there is a lot of detail on these I’m going to prime them green to save some time painting them.Looking forward to these guys, lovely looking models but as there is a lot of detail on these I’m going to prime them green to save some time painting them.
Now the basics are done it’s time to add some individual colours to the various scarves, masks etcNow the basics are done it’s time to add some individual colours to the various scarves, masks etc

Next up it’ll be the standard Brainmatter Beige drybrush for the whole unit and then washes (all 50/50 with medium)

military shade on the green, soft tone on the browns, dark tone on the metals / dark colours and the rest on the appropriate matching colours.

After a dip in the basing pot and a Matt varnish they are ready to go. Love this unit even if I did manage to snap every bloody arrowhead!!!After a dip in the basing pot and a Matt varnish they are ready to go. Love this unit even if I did manage to snap every bloody arrowhead!!!

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