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A Core Space Crew For Stargrave

A Core Space Crew For Stargrave

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Week 3

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 8
Purge HarvestersPurge Harvesters
Purge Devastators Purge Devastators

Unwanted Attention

Painting these purge seems quite similar to painting skeletons. I went with the colour scheme from the Core Space art.

There are two different tables in Stargrave for random npc’s which can turn up during a game and attack the players. So far I haven’t given much thought to the creature table but there is an unwanted attention table with which pirates and other such types can show up due to all of the noise the crews will be making as they fight over the scenario.

For this I’ll use the Purge miniatures.

The Purge Harvesters will be Pirate Troopers, and the Purge Devastators will be Pirate Shock Troopers.

The rest will follow as shown in the table below.

Week 3

Bases Repainted

Week 3

I wasn’t happy with the black washes on the bases. I intended that the floor would be dirty and industrial. I preprinted them with a smooth coat of grey which I think is much neater and doesn’t distract from the miniature.

Next week

Week 3

Gerry mentioned my lack of a Chiseler in my starting crew and he has a point. With a 6+ to unlocking physical loot it’s a distinct advantage. I had a look through my remaining Core Space models and found Treva from the Shootout at Zed’s expansion. He’s carrying a large tool or wrench of some sort and a case of tools, perfect.

The other models are the single Purge assassin I’ll be using as a bounty Hunter and the Purge Gatherer’s from the Purge Outbreak expansion which I’ll be using as ruffians.


Oh and a big thanks for the Golden Button which was a nice surprise –

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zorgDarren HarmonPierre Gravelat Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

I love this project! Besides the skillful way you painted the miniatures (The Purge Devastators red is particularly awesome), I truly appreciate your effort to bridge games, so as one game paint job can be recycled for another, which is something that drives my hobby these days as I know I cannot often afford to dedicate painting time for miniatures which will be used for only one game (well, aside from Solomon Kane at the moment). I try to allow myself two board games a year which will be contain dedicated minajitures. Everything else will have to be reusable in… Read more »

Cult of Games Member

Congratulations your project figures are looking fantastic @demonsub

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