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Old and New Elves - Spring Cleaning

Old and New Elves - Spring Cleaning

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A few years dusty

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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A few years dusty

It started here, a few years ago now. I did have more progress pictures taken, though they must’ve gone missing. Maybe buried under dust somewhere as well.

This is where it currently stands.
The idea was for a forgotten elf temple, slowly becoming overgrown with vines and wild foliage. The water portion of the project will spill across the tiles and other pieces of coloured glass. The ledges sticking out beneath each of the statues will have water spilling out into the pool below.

Myabe I should clean it firstMyabe I should clean it first

Atop the mirrored circle, will sit the centrepiece of the terrain, a repurposed resin kit from an old computer game.
I don’t like the default clothing on her, a little too anime, so I’m trying my hand at sculpting some clothing. A fun challenge if not frustrating at times. Hence the dust build up maybe? haha

I’ll come back to this after the first painting component is done. The second join challenge, painting up some Lumineth.

A few years dusty

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