Gallery Above (Left)The tavern keeper was zenithal primed using black/grey/white. That allows the use of thin layers of paint which retain the highlights and shadows automatically. Gallery Above (Right) For the pants, I used GW Contrast Flesh Tearers Red and an ov erbrush of white for the shirt, hair and beard. Above - Getters were painted with GW XV-88 and the shoes in GW Balor Brown. Feel free to use any slightly contrasted brown you like.
The skin was touched up with GW Bugman’s Glow and the hat covered with a light layer of GW Contrast Skeleton Horde
Gallery above (Left) - I used GW Zandri Dust for the belt, Vallejo Woodgrain for the cleaver handle and black for the cleaver blade. Gallery above (Right) - The back pouch was painted GW Gorthor Brown and the Rabbit GW Mechanicus Standard Grey. Above - Now that the colors are blocked, time to apply shades. I want the shirt to look dirty and applied a layer of GW Contrast Skeleton Horde. The for bear and hair, I used GW Contrast Apothecary White.
The skin was shaded with GW Reikland Fleshade and the the lower part of the body is washed in GW Agax Earthsdhade.
Gallery Abobr (LEft) - LEt the washes dry for about 1/2 hour to one hour and you are ready for highlights. Gallery Above (Right) - Pants are drybrished with a small drybrush and GW Khorne Red. Focus on the part of the pants that are hit by zenithal light. Dry Brush the part of the shirt exposed to zenithal light with white, along with the hair. Spot highlight the beard with white. Finally, spot brush the belt with GW Ushabti Bone. Above - Next dry brush the getters and shoes with GW Karak Stone and GW Gorthor Brown being careful not to touch the pants nor base.
For bases painting, look at my Gatson tutorial. Here I will just address the leg, which was shaded with GW Athonian Camoshade (it is rotting after all) and crowned with GW Blood for the Blood God.
The back pouch and rabbit were washed with GW Agrax Earthshade and then highlighted with GW Karak Stone and GW Administratum Grey. This is ana exception to my blocking and shading colors first as they are details and i prefer to keep them for last.
Bloody handprints on the shirts were achieved by using some bits arms from an old kit which I dipped in GW Blood for the Blood God and then applied palm down on the shirt. The sinister tavern keeper is ready to welcome his guests...
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