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AuroraInbags Kingdom Death

AuroraInbags Kingdom Death

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Expansion 1.0: Dragon King and Survivors

Tutoring 17
Skill 18
Idea 17
Expansion 1.0: Dragon King and Survivors

Big Boi has arrived <3. He was incredibly fast to paint, all things considered, cause I cheated and was heavily inspired by Studio Jolly Roger’s version (you can see that one here – so beautiful).

I did have so many problems with his horns though. Think I repainted them 7 times. They’ve been white, bone colored, purple. There’s so much paint on them, that there’s details missing in the sculpt now. And when I finally landed, I just couldn’t give a f* of the back of the horns. I might come back to that some day.

Colours uses are Scale75 (artists, fantasy and scalecolor) unless otherwise noted:

*Dark Skin: Earth Green, Dark Tone (Army Painter), Pastel Blue
*Yellow Skin: Naples Yellow, Mid Brown (Army Painter) + Red Tone (Army Painter), Red Ochre, Titan Buff (Golden)
* Horn: Eclipse Grey, Titan Buff (Golden), Techno Green, Speed Yellow

Expansion 1.0: Dragon King and Survivors
Expansion 1.0: Dragon King and Survivors
Expansion 1.0: Dragon King and Survivors

Dragon King Survivors

I have so much KD:M stuff I’m just getting the various survivors done. Not putting too much effort into them. For me, it’s the monsters I want to shine on the table.

Again, Scale75 paints unless otherwise noted:

* Male Skin: Earth Green, Pink Flesh, Thar Brown
* Female Skin: Erath Green. Golden Flesh, Moonray Flesh, Mid Brown (Army Painter) + Red Tone (Army Painter)
* Green Cloth: Earth Green, Dark Tone (Army Painter), Pastel Blue
* Yellow Cloth: Naples Yellow, Mid Brown (Army Painter) + Red Tone (Army Painter), Red Ochre
* Belts: SS Camo Gray Brown, Soft Tome (Army Painter), Titan Buff (Golden)
* Bone: Thar Brown, Mid Brown (Army Painter), Titan Buff (Golden)
* Gold: Viking Gold, Strong Tone (Army Painter), Amethyst
* Horn: Titan Buff (Golden), Waywatcher Green (Games Workshop), Techno Green, Speed Yellow, Green Tone (Army Painter), Athonian Camoshade (Games Workshop)
Silver: Thrash Metal, Dark Tone (Army Painter)

Expansion 1.0: Dragon King and Survivors
Dragon King in background for scaleDragon King in background for scale

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Cult of Games Member

That is truly amazing, the contrast between the darks and light and then the brights, just wow. That is truly amazing

Cult of Games Member

I think the green on the horns came out great. The mottling effect between the yellow and black areas of skin worked well too.

Cult of Games Member

amazing work there, love the contrast

Cult of Games Member

There nice. Is that a little person I can see hiding in the dragon?

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