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Begun, another Legion project has.

Begun, another Legion project has.

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B1's Post-dip

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Following the strong tone dip and matt varnish, I decided to dry brush the droids fairly liberally with the Vallejo Bonewhite base colour.

I wanted to leave the dip colour in the recesses but bring back the lighter bare colour.  I left it a bit tough as I don’t want my battle droids to look too pristine.

Once that was done, I went over them with a wash of Seraphim Sepia. They have a more brown look to them now which I like, I don’t want them to be too white.

While I was doing this I had a go at repainting the guns with grey seer then Black Templar contrast paint.  I’m still playing with this trying to get the right effect, so far it isn’t going down like I had in mind.  Either it looks too translucent or too much like flat black, I’ll revisit later.

The next step will probably be to do a few highlights and get the accent colour done.

Droid on the left is dipped, Droid on right is drybrushed Bonewhite.Droid on the left is dipped, Droid on right is drybrushed Bonewhite.
Washed with Seraphim Sepia.Washed with Seraphim Sepia.

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