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Begun, another Legion project has.

Begun, another Legion project has.

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Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Once all my B1 droids are built, I spray primed them in Vallejo Bonewhite.

Next, I needed to start experimenting.  I don’t want to spend several months laboriously shading 36 droids because I’m a slow painter and dislike painting the same thing repeatedly.

So first I tried washes and slapped Agrax Earthshade on one droid.  It didn’t bring out the details as much as I hoped so tried again with Nuln Oil.  It was slightly better but still didn’t define the model as I wanted.

So I escalated and brought out the big guns and reached for the Army Painter Strong Tone Dip.  This stuff stinks and takes 24 hours to properly dry so I took advantage of the good weather to go sit in the garden and slap it on with an old brush.

AP Dip is basically a tinted gloss varnish, it dries hard, darkens everything (strong tone, named for a reason) and leaves your minis quite shiny.  So I then went over everything with a layer of Matt varnish to take the sheen off.

Left, Agrax Earthshade (brown) wash. Right, Nuln Oil (black)wash.Left, Agrax Earthshade (brown) wash. Right, Nuln Oil (black)wash.
Sun's out, well ventilated dipping environment!Sun's out, well ventilated dipping environment!
Lines defined, now to figure out the next steps....Lines defined, now to figure out the next steps....

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