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Volvos in space – a spring cleaning challenge

Volvos in space – a spring cleaning challenge

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Progress report 17.04.21

Tutoring 12
Skill 14
Idea 14
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Well, printing is progressing steadily, but I had some stupid misprints – like the one where I put draining hole ideally on the same level and it was enough for the peel forces to tear the model in half…

Also I need to limit final curing time, because the resins tends to get too brittle and break while I push the connectors in…

Also, we had beautiful day today so I painted the outer shell of the top deck.

First I applied a layer of gesso to even out the printing layersFirst I applied a layer of gesso to even out the printing layers
And then sprayed all the parts with montana ivory. BTW I need to change the cap on the spray-can cause this one just oozes with paint everywhere (just look at the newspaper under the plastics.And then sprayed all the parts with montana ivory. BTW I need to change the cap on the spray-can cause this one just oozes with paint everywhere (just look at the newspaper under the plastics.

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