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civs foray into 15mm Infamy (3d printed)

civs foray into 15mm Infamy (3d printed)

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Basing method (flock box required)

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
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During this project i decided to go with a spring feel as I assume campaign season starts early in the ancient times.

Given that I got some spring flock from to use to base all my gauls up.

To add a bit of variety I wanted to add some tufts and flowers to break up the uniformity of the grass.

Luckily I own a flock box so using some 4mm light green flock and dark green I made up some tufts.

Basing method (flock box required)

Next I took aome 1mm coloured Flock and pva and stuck it to the top of the tufts to create the red flowers.

Following some advice from Gerry on one of the weekenders I got some flowersoft off ebay and gave that a try instead. The picture below shows the results.

I’m pretty pleased with the purple flowers, mainly because the material is like little balls of colour. The white that I got was too stringy and I dont think it works as well. I got a few colours and the red was similar I’ll add a comparison Pic to show.

Lesson learnt was look closely at the product, they are not all the same material!

Either way I’m super happy with the result in the main and can use these colourful flowers on my 28mm models too, the batch below should last a while.

Thanks @avernos for the tip!

Basing method (flock box required)
Basing method (flock box required)
This stuff does not work as flowersThis stuff does not work as flowers

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