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Collins Does Solo RPG 'The Wretched'

Collins Does Solo RPG 'The Wretched'

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Mission Day 263

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Music – (Game Over – Chris Bissette)

Mission Day 263, Independent trade ship Errant Venture, Captain Terrick reporting.

The other members of the crew are dead. They were killed by something I’ve never seen before. It was fast, killing without mercy. I now know why there was a mayday call from The Wretched. Last time I help somebody in distress.

Life support systems are nominal, weapons are depleted, significant damage to the ship’s drive system. With a little luck I will be able to repair it and the emergency comms system and call the company for aid. I don’t know where the alien is. I know it’s injured though, I definitely shot it on its way out the airlock.

This is Captain Terrick, sole survivor of The Errant Venture, signing off…

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