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Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

Everyone remembers their first Conquest!

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All bases covered!

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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In Conquest a hero in a unit is placed on a 4 spot rank base and whilst it’s perfectly functional its not particularly elegant. I have been using a plinth design a friend of mine created which is cool but with the new retinue rules you can now add characters to the heroes base to assist.

Seeing as i have a printer and Tinkercad i thought i’d see if i could come up with something.

So, two things. first design is a plain square with either 1,2 or 3 base holes. Quick bit of measuring and done. I’ll attach the files should you wish to use them. (No i wont, just realised you cant!! happy to share if required!)

Then i thought could i create a more scenic base using the printer to create the stucture. so this i what i did.

Firstly i created this in Tinkercad and printed out.Firstly i created this in Tinkercad and printed out.

Then moulded a shape using brown stuff, primed, textured, paint, drybrush and softone said texture and finished with a dip in the flock mix!

TA DA! QUite pleased with that for a minor distraction! Think i may continue playing around with these...TA DA! QUite pleased with that for a minor distraction! Think i may continue playing around with these...

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