Spring Cleaning Military Orders
Joan of Ark 2.0 - Part One.
I got started on painting Joan, This will be a sort of tutorial I purposefully didn’t refer to Angels book through my current painting style of Pano is very much in his style and he deserves a lot of credit. If you want to know how the master does it, get either of his books. Both are great and will go over fundamentals and covers just about everything you could wish to paint in his style.
Some of what he done in his book didn’t work for me. This would have been down to my experience and the fact that painting models is not paint by numbers. If you wish to be incredibly generous to my previous attempt the main difference would be the water we used. Possibly Spanish water has magic in it… I think this is down to inconsistencies in paint and measuring probably in my part but there are thousands of variables and you can see that from looking at the original model which has been painted by thousands of people and none look the same.
This is still my origin and my roots, I cant imagine painting infinity models in another way as his art style is interlaced with infinity in my mind. At this point as I write I still have not compared my process to his though I would almost be certain that there is cross over.
I am trying to crate another milestone moment in my painting. I will take longer than normal to paint this and will be trying to pay more attention rather than everything is painted by the rule of cool which is what I normally do.
I am nervous and excited. Cant wait to see what happens!
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