A Billion Suns by thedace
Battle Report pt2 return of the battle report
Meanwhile things were hotting up in system nk1829.
Two contracts up for grabs in this sector –
- Dotted around this system were a number of aging Nuka Cola facilities. The AI had gone a bit “funny” in these fully automated facilities. Demolition was required but the AI wouldn’t want to go quietly.
- At the centre of this system as the dense magnetic core of a failed Neutron star. The size of a Tennis ball but with the mass of a small planet, these commodities fetch a small fortune, often bought by incredibly rich CEOs and used as novelty paperweights.
The initiative was seized by Noodle Corp.
Two wings of fighters appeared from a jump point heading straight towards the nearest Nuka Cola Facility. Heavy fire was taken on the approach with a whole wing of fighters being completely destroyed. The remaining fighters now within range managed to download a virus to the AI. This, however came a little too late as seconds later, before the virus had time to sweep through the system, all of the facilities weapons systems opened up once again, destroying the remaining fighters.
Next to jump into the system was a Medium utility ship again bearing the Noodle Corp. insignia. This ship headed straight towards the Star core at full speed. A Mag lock was engaged on the core and a big payday was looking very likely. The Bridge crew had already started to celebrate their successful mission, breaking out the Space Whiskey and Rum. Suddenly the ship was plunged into dark red light and sirens started to wail all around. The two Vindaloovian Corvettes that had been approaching unnoticed for some time now had acquired a weapons lock. It was all over in seconds, the Noodle Corp. utility ship didn’t stand a chance and was ripped to shreds by Turbo blaster fire.
The captains of the 2 Vindaloovian Corvettes were in conference congratulating each other on a well executed attack when something entirely unexpected happened. The AI on 2 of the nearby Nuka Cola facilities opened fire, completely unprovoked, with one of the Corvettes being badly damaged in the attack.
The final instalment to follow.
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