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Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near!  - Volsunga Saga

Where wolf’s ears are, wolf’s teeth are near! - Volsunga Saga

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Another Quiet Day

Tutoring 10
Skill 13
Idea 12

Hi everyone,

With another quiet day I managed to finish the hero/lieutenant model I was working on.  In fact, as I was taking the pictures,  the glue under the tufts was still drying.

I wanted to paint the hero in an opposite tone to the wizard.  While the wizard was dark and dirty, I wanted the hero to be more colorful and affluent.

It was the rock outcrop made from cork that I enjoyed building and painting the most though.

I also like the quick weathering on the bottom of the cape.  I did this with glazes of beige and sand colors dried with a hairdryer.

Another Quiet Day
Another obligatory group shot.  Note the stark difference between the wizard and the hero.Another obligatory group shot. Note the stark difference between the wizard and the hero.

I am not sure if I will post more this week.  Maybe some prep work.  Well until next time, stay safe and have fun.



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Cult of Games Member

His cloak is fantastic, love the faded stripes towards the bottom.

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