Wilco's Mass Battle Rules mk2 (Spring Clean Challenge 2021)
First Look at my mk1 rules Concept.
So time to talk about my mk 1 rules. Well to give you the simplest explanation, each bace of troops has a attack and defence stat. At the moment each bace has a bace stat of 1 attach and 1 defence (this could change in mk 2 rules but this is designed to keep units from just having no chance of inflicting no damage or defending agents any unit)
I wanted to be able to look across the table at another army and just know from looking at them what the result of combat could be like without figuring it out in advance but you could if you wanted to. So the idea is that you have the bace stat but very simple modifiers like a child is a +1 Defence to the bace, Heavy Armer is +1 Defence to the bace, Double Hand Weapons is +1 Attack….
Here are some quick images showing a 3 bace, single rank of elves with spear and shield agents a 3 bace, 2 rank(6 bace in total) of goblins with spear and shield.
Other Examples that I feel needs to be included is a second rank that has Spears will also be included to an Attack in combat.
“Will Note Combat is fought by the front rank of a formation.”
Additional modifiers i am looking at include ,command units in formations can round up attacks by 1 if it results in a killed bace.
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