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Spring Cleaning Military Orders

Spring Cleaning Military Orders

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6 P's

Tutoring 14
Skill 14
Idea 15
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For those who do not know what the 6p’s are, it’s “proper preparation prevents piss poor performance”

I often charge head first into trouble with projects and thought I should at least write down my intentions. (yeah I already started)

There are three phases to this project

  • Making a set to take photo’s
  • Updating model bases and paint on at least 3 models. To different degrees
  • Rounding my models out to a force.

I think this fits within spring cleaning. the time limit should be good but it is pushing myself a little.

The set for taking photo’s will serve two purposes one for bases and the other is taking pretty pictures. I have just finished designing this and the bases.  it will be like a part of a medieval monastery keeping it old looking to give a great contrast in time and colour to the shiny blue.

The three models I am updating are, Joan of Arc (AG edition), Seraphs, Military Order Armoured Cavalry and it’s Auxbot. Joan is being stripped, remodelled, repainted and rebased. The TAG and bot are being rebased, freehand added and touched up. Two of these models have golden buttons. I am happy with all of them for different reasons but want them to match the rest when they get here.

The rounding out of the force will be in the form of the recent pre order from Corvus belli.

The project will be more of a tutorial format for the painting and modelling but I will keep my 2d design as it’s dull and even duller to talk about.

Flats for the laser cut set.Flats for the laser cut set.
Zoomed in on the floor the bases will use. Zoomed in on the floor the bases will use.
Joan of Arc as it standsJoan of Arc as it stands
Seraphs, Military Order Armoured Cavalry as it standsSeraphs, Military Order Armoured Cavalry as it stands
Auxbot as it standsAuxbot as it stands

This will be tough. In terms of the modelling, painting and my own feelings.

I don’t want to strip Joan, however she has been stripped before. The colour is wrong I don’t like the lollipop head and she has been dropped about 10 times and broken twice. I want to make a more invasive repair and update.

This is a hard decision to come to. This was my 8th or so infinity model to paint. I followed each step in Angels book to the letter and still ended up not looking the same. I think this was also my second or third golden button.

I am however interested on the update and comparison to my painting skills now. I will not be using the AG book to paint the model but my style is heavily influenced by this. It will make a good compare and contrast if I pull it off.

More to come probably stripping Joan and starting on the set.

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Cult of Games Member

Congratulations @soapdodger that’s a stunning looking detailed project love the stained glass windows an all the laser cut details.

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