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A Mutant Rabble

A Mutant Rabble

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The full squad ready for painting

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
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In essence this project really is just painting 20 miniatures. To be fair, that’s more in one go than I normally tackle and far more flesh to deal with than I’ve ever had to paint!

The cutting and glueing had all been done before now but I have added some final things such as a bit of green stuff to hide joins or fill in gaps in the tattered clothing. Most notable on the bigger dudes.

I’ve primed them all with Zandri Dust, and had a go at a first layer of skin tones. A few I don’t like, and I’m going to go over them all with Ushabti Bone to get them lighter and pasty looking. These guys don’t get out into the sun much. The different first layers should add some variation across them.

Legs elevenLegs eleven

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