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Last Stand at Glazers Creek - part 1 & 2 ‘Imperial Guard’ and ‘Terrain’

Last Stand at Glazers Creek - part 1 & 2 ‘Imperial Guard’ and ‘Terrain’

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Last Stand at Glazers Creek Update 28

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 7

Hydra Flak Tank done

Next - Hydra Flak Tank and Basilisk Tank crewNext - Hydra Flak Tank and Basilisk Tank crew

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zebraoutriderssethy1985 Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This project continues to expand well… have you decided on what BOW Spring Clean Challenge you could do to take a well-earned ‘break’ from the Glasers Creek epic journey? I’m building a couple of FW Imperial Navy fighters to support my own Astra Militarum tank divisions before I return to my two larger active projects… perhaps you could do something similar?

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