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#3 Wraithlord basecoats

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Project Entry by holly Cult of Games Member

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#3 Wraithlord basecoats

Tutoring 13
Skill 13
Idea 12
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Here I’ve basecoated all the metal areas with Leadbelcher and then given them a thinned wash of Contrast Black Templar with medium. It sits a little darker than Nuln Oil which I want for this model. I know some people would think that painting an Eldar model in metals is sacrilege, but for me I’d rather have a finished model than a perfect unfinished model.

#3 Wraithlord basecoats

In the gallery below are 3 images showing the application of a wood “base” to the Wraithlord head. I’ll add woodgrain and stain again, but this shows the stages to start getting a wood effect.

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