Cyberpunk in Oils
“Continuous Improvement is Better Than Delayed Perfection”
~ Mark Twain
So after attempt 1 there have been some learnings. Time for a spot of kaizen (continuous improvement) before the next attempt.
Getting the paint consistency right is key and oil paints seem to vary a lot even within the same ranges. So first thing I am doing is to take a leaf out of James Wappel’s book and pre-mix some oil paints into dropper bottles. This prevents the need to use a lot of thinner on the paintbrush, because thinner on the paint brush removes paint from the model rather than adding it. My first attempt was messy but the results are already evident – on the palette it could be mistaken for acrylic and it is lovely and smooth.
Time to mix up some more bottles of the main colours I need before the next wave of models!
I always say that a perfectionist is like a masochist – he ends up torturing himself and gets hardly anything done. Mark Twain was right.
Very very true!!